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WTC2024 Round Tables
Monday morning 22 April 2024 during the Opening Ceremony
Challenges and the Path of Developing Future Tunnelling Technology

Discussion Moderator:

Andre Assis (Brazil) Former ITA President (2001-2004) Professor of the University of Brasilia

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Participating Experts:

Rick P. Lovat (Canada)

TA Former First Vice President(2013-2016)

President for Lovat Tunnelling Solutions

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Jenny Yan Jinxiu (China)

ITA Immediate Past President(2022-2025)

Chief Expert of China Railway Academy Co., Ltd

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François Renault (France)

Tunnel Technical Director for Vinci Construction Grands Projects

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Giuseppe Lunardi (Italy)

ITA Former Vice President(2019-2022)

C.E.O. of Rocksoil S.P.A

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Wojciech Mleczko (Poland)

Tunnel Engineer of Jacobs

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Goh Kok Hun(Singapore)

Group Director for Infrastructure Design & Engineering,LTA

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